K’aute Pasifika requires you to consent to all services being provided for you and your family:
I fully understand the information given to myself/family about services offered by K’aute Pasifika.
I have had the Code of Health Disability Services Consumer Rights and K’aute Pasifika Complaints process explained/given to me.
I understand I have the right to decline or withdraw from K’aute Pasifika services at any time.
I understand that all my information will records will be kept confidential and will only be discussed with appropriate agencies following consent, unless there are concerns about the safety of a child or other family members. In this situation information may be shared with appropriate agencies.
I understand that non-identifying information may be used for auditing, reporting, and research purposes to monitor and improve K’aute Pasifika services.
I consent for my family (including children under the age of 18 years), and those living away from home to the following:
I understand I have the right to decline/withdraw from K’aute Pasifika services at any time.